Emergency Assistance Project
Filling Assistance Gaps in Basic Rehabilitation Services for Syrian Refugees with Disabilities and their Peers in Host Communities in Lebanon
Title: Filling Assistance Gaps in Basic Rehabilitation Services for Refugees from Syria With Disabilities and Their Peers in Host Communities in Lebanon.
- Objective 1: To fill gaps in protection assistance services for RfS with disabilities and their peers in LHCs by providing them with physical rehabilitation and mobility aids, self-care supplies, prescription eyeglasses, hearing aids, and related services.
- Objective 2: To respond to particular needs of PWDs in their communities by filling rehabilitation assistance gaps through Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) services programs.
- Objective 3: To increase understanding of the protection rights and needs of PWDs among stakeholders and the general public by sectoral and community based awareness and advocacy interventions.
Elements: Four Integrated Modules
Programming and Implementation:
- Nationwide, across Lebanon.
- Providing person-focused assistance services in collaboration with local organizations of persons with disabilities (OPDs), civil society organizations (CSOs), local service providers, and other relevant parties.
- Prioritizing outreach to engage the hard-to-reach and most vulnerable individuals particularly through community-based rehabilitation (CBR) services programs of local entities.
- Proactive coordination with local, national, international, and UN stakeholders.
Funding: This project is funded by a Federal Assistance Award from the United States Department of State's Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration as a gift from the United States Government.