Strengthening Capacity Building in Disability and CBR

The learning curve: Working through the mind and not the heart.

In the pursuit of continuous improvement and knowledge enhancement, WRF Lebanon and SESOBEL Organization collaborated on the training program for the CBR Teams titled “Engaging Persons with Disabilities: Assessment, Referral, Service Provision, and Follow-up” that took place at the Padova Hotel, Beirut on 1-2 June 2023 to reinforce the "On the Job Coaching Exchange of Knowhow" conducted during March 2023, covering processes of services provision across assistive devices and home adaptation services.


Building on Past Success
The capacity building program capitalizes on the achievements of the previous structured training on "Disability and CBR" conducted during the WRF-PRM Project (September 2021 - September 2022). By leveraging the knowledge gained from this training, participants will have a solid foundation to further enhance their skills and understanding.

Focused Reinforcement
With a focus on knowledge reinforcement, Dr. Marie Abou Saab incorporated insights gained from the
WHO Training on Assistive Products (TAP). By revisiting and deepening the understanding of assistive products, participants will be better equipped to address the needs of individuals with disabilities effectively.

On-the-Job Coaching and Knowledge Exchange
During March 2023, an invaluable "on the job coaching exchange of knowhow" was conducted with the CBR Teams. This program will build upon that exchange, encompassing all aspects of service provision, including assessment, delivery, and follow-up. By capitalizing on real-world experiences, participants will gain practical insights and refine their skills in serving individuals with different types of disabilities.

Harmonization and Knowledge Expansion
One of the primary objectives of this capacity building initiative is to ensure harmonization and reinforcement of knowledge among the CBR teams, RFPs, and other stakeholders involved. By aligning their expertise, the collective impact of their work will be amplified. While using laptops provided by WRF, CBR workers successfully coordinated on case studies.


In conclusion, the training session received overwhelmingly positive feedback from the attendees. They viewed it as a valuable opportunity to refresh their knowledge and build upon past workshops, finding it both engaging and enriching.

Building on the foundations of previous training initiatives, this program aims to expand the expertise of CBR Teams, CSOs Staff, and WRF concerned team members involved by consolidating knowledge, particularly in the areas of disabilities, assistive technology, postural management, and home environments.